Yacht Reviews Roundup February 27, 2013

Emuna Yacht Review Emuna

Brand new, impressively equipped, this 2013 Ferretti is a fantastic example of modern yacht design with a European flair.

Jody Lee Yacht Review Jody Lee

Jody Lee is one of the few open bridge lazzara’s on the market today. At 80′ & built in 2004, she is a beautiful example both inside & out.

Life of Reilley Yacht Review Life of Reilley

This fantastic 2006 80′ Hatterass yacht, refitted in 2010/11 is a great yacht ready to take ownership with no need for any modernisation.

Hi everybody and welcome to this week’s insider yacht review.

We’ve got three great boats for you this week, as always. We’re focusing on the 80-foot range today. Now the full reviews showing all the photographs and all the specifications are available down below in the links underneath this screen box. If you would like us to send you notifications of when the latest reviews are up and ready to watch, then just see below the “Be The First To Know,” opt in, leave us your email address, and we’ll shoot you a quick message when the latest reviews are up. So let’s get stuck straight in. First one today is Emuna. Now this is a great boat. I did a short video walking through the boat, which will be up here on the sight pretty soon, while she was at the Miami Boat Show which was just a couple of days ago. Beautiful boat, great interior, very modern, very Euro-style. So she’s a 2013 Ferretti, as I mentioned, 80-foot, 20-foot beam with only a just over six-foot draft. Very fast boat, great semi-displacement hull. She actually gets up to 27 knots, the cruising speed as you can see there in the details below, and a maximum of 31 knots, so very fast Italian boat. They are built in Italy and then shipped over here.

She has four state rooms. She has a beautiful full-beam master cabin. On the starboard side of that cabin is the bathroom or the head. It has a nice sort of mirror panel that moves back and forward so that if you like, you can move it out of the way and look right out onto the ocean. The level that you’re at standing in the master cabin, you’re pretty close to a sort of water line, being about waist height, so it’s a pretty cool view looking out there. It’s got a nice wardrobe, a nice TV in there, very good size for this size boat. On that same level, there are three other cabins. So there’s the forward cabin, which is also full-beam. It’s not all the way in the bow in this boat. The bow is dedicated to the crew area, which is kind of nice because the bow is a tighter area. It’s where the beam of the hull shape comes back together, so having that forward guest cabin for the level further aft means you take advantage of more sort of width of the hull shape. So that’s the VIP cabin as I said, full-beam, has nice windows either side. Then there’s a bunk cabin and another double. So great guest layout, a real feel like you’re in a bigger boat when you’re in there, especially that master cabin with those huge side windows, and you can see that on the photograph of the running shot here.

Now all the photographs underneath that running shot are all of the main salon. Real nice open plan, the wood is there. It’s almost like a teak and holly kind of look, but I think there’s some cherry stains gone into the wood there to give it more of a rich color, so that really works well with that holly sort of strips going front to back. Nice seating areas off to either side and a real cool sort of Euro-modern-style dining table. Nice glass table and the chairs work really well there as well. Now looking forwards towards the front of the boat from the salon, you look through the pilot house. Remember, these are called raised pilot house boats, so you can see all the bridge equipment. It’s a nice sort of display area that they have there with the screens, the GPS, the chart plotters, radar screens. It’s a real sort of “Starship Enterprise” kind of look to the bridge area there. Now just forwards of that area, they have a small galley. They have a nice big double fridge/freezer. Moving forwards again down into the crew area, they have washer/dryers down there and they have two crew rooms that can accommodate four crew. Coming back into that galley area actually, I didn’t mention they do have a little sort of breakfast nook in there with a little table, a little seating area.

Now one thing I will say about this boat that I haven’t seen on the other Ferretti models and these new Ferretti models, is this one has an extra day head that’s on this main deck level, so that’s great for people that don’t want to have to go all the way down to the sort of cabin areas to use the bathroom. So a nice toilet and sort of wash area that you can see on the right hand side photograph there, and I’ll just highlight it here so you can see it. It’s towards the bottom of the stairs leading up to the flybridge. The flybridge is laid out very nice, has another sort of control area there, that little helm station. That actually folds down and seals completely off when it’s not being used. They have a couple of sun lounge areas there, they have a grill up there, a wet bar, and they also have a crane up there for launching the tender. Forwards on the bow, you can see on that running shot, they actually have a nice little seating area there, sort of morning coffee area. So all in all, a very nice boat. Great asking price, only 4.9 which is amazing for this year boat, like I said, it’s brand new, it’s 2013, so great deal. Nice boat, nice modern look, great for someone who likes that sort of Euro-style.

Moving on, we have Jody Lee, a slightly older 2004, but still their sort of model and style that they use in even today, so it doesn’t look old. It’s a Lazzara. Again, 80 feet. Another semi-displacement hull, not quite as fast, but still a very high top speed. The cruising speed is 24 knots. Top speed is 33 knots. So this boat is a slightly more sort of interior volume than the previous boat that we saw, the Ferretti. It’s a slightly sort of higher house that they have on this boat. Beautiful interior, very rich woods all the way around. They use a lot of color here. It has a nice country kitchen style. Forwards there, so you can see on that right hand photograph, is the big galley and then the breakfast area around the front. Three state rooms on here. Now it says in the write up that it can house up to eight guests. I think what they’re referring to is there’s quite a large captain’s cabin here, so I would imagine that they are sort of pointing out the fact that you can also use that as a guest cabin. Twenty-one-foot beam, it’s slightly wider than the Ferretti that we just saw. Has the full-beam master the same as the Ferretti. All around, a nice boat. It has a great sun deck, has a little Jacuzzi up there, quite a large bar with some nice bar stools. So if you’re looking for Lazzara, very competitive price, two and a half million. So if you’re looking for a Lazzara, great deal, and Jody Lee is a pretty good option for you.

Then finally for today, we have Life of Reilley. She is a 2006 Hatteras. Hatteras are great boats, built here in the states. This, although it looks like a raised pilot house, isn’t a true raised pilot house because the bridge is actually up on that second level, so it’s an enclosed flybridge, is how they describe it. So you have a very good sort of vantage point or view point from up there, very easy boat to drive. Windows wrap all the way around that flybridge area and it really leaves this main deck open for true guest purposes. It has a huge galley and forward sort of breakfast area, country kitchen, a nice full-beam master cabin. This is four state rooms, so all the state rooms are down below on the same level. More of a sort of cruising boat this, not quite as fast as the last two that we’ve seen. Cruising speed of 18 knots and top speed of 24. The draft is a lot less in this. It’s only five-foot, eight inches, so great for the Bahamas. The largest beam that we’ve seen yet today, the 21 feet and three inches, so a very roomy boat inside. Two crew cabins for three crew so one of them will be a single. It’s probably for the captain. A semi-displacement hull again. All of these boats that we’ve seen today are all fiberglass or GRP and actually they’re all in South Florida here, so very easy to see, very local here.

Like I said earlier on at the start of the round up, all the individual reviews are down below underneath this video window so click on them, and as we said, if you’d like to be first to know when all of the new videos are up then just click on the “Be The First To Know” button and we’ll send you those notifications. So don’t waste any more time, click on those links, and I’ll see you next week for another round up. Thank you.